Thursday, November 11, 2010

Can Writing a Thank You Note Be Good for Your Health?

I just read an article on called, "12 Little Instant Health Boosts."  Number 4 on the list is "Pen a Thank You Note".  Of course this caught my eye since I not only write thank you notes but also design and sell note cards.  In this day and age, it seems everyone is texting, emailing, and tweeting...everything is digital.  In fact, it seems many people would rather do the above than actually call someone on the phone, let alone actually write a note with paper and pen!  Sometimes I wonder if children who are growing up now will actually have good penmanship since it seems they know how to type before they can write!

According to the article written by Alyssa Shaffer (,  people who wrote notes of gratitude (and actually meant it) were happier. 

Some other benefits of writing according to the article may be improvements in:
  • liver function
  • lung function
  • immune system
  • reduced blood pressure
  • well-being
A benefit that I think one gets from writing is the knowledge that the recipient of your note will be so excited to receive an actual hand-written note in the mail.  It seems the only things we get in the mail these days are bills and junk; it's always such a treat to see an envelope with a real stamp and your friend or family member's handwriting on the front.  When you see a note like that in your mailbox, you know something good is inside and can't wait to sit down and read the thoughtful note inside.

So, take a moment to grab some note cards, make some tea (another healthy item on the list!), and write a note or two to those you care about.  It will make you feel better and I guarantee, it will make the day of the ones you love!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Boxerstock - What A Blast!

We had an amazing time at Boxerstock presented by the Atlanta Boxer Rescue.  It was a great event with lots and lots of boxers...and a few other breeds for good measure!  ;)  I think the final count was 1200 people which was fantastic - a lot of great folks came out for a great cause. 

I learned a few things at Boxerstock:
  • Check your boxer for lumps as boxers are prone to cancer.  Even if they are young, you should pay attention because if caught early, most cancers can be treated.
  • Some breeders "put down" white boxers as they are seen as "undesirable".  Wait, what?!  Why not find them a home like the lovely ones I saw at Boxerstock?!  I realized I hadn't seen a white boxer before and I now knew why.  They are so pretty!
  • Many people are not cropping the ears anymore...these guys are so cute with floppy ears!
  • There's not as much barking at a boxer event as there is at a terrier event!  ;) 
We had a really good time and will definitely plan on being there next year!  Our thanks to everyone who came out and supported us!