Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dog Training - Week 5

'Evening everyone! And what a muggy, mosquito-filled evening in the South it is! I was out with Riley and saw a few neighbors, so we chatted and I think I've fed all the mosquitoes in my county!

So, I think Riley had a little break through tonight. While I was talking with the neighbors, we saw no less than 4 dogs and 2 of them we saw twice (they lapped us as I yapped!). While Riley got a little bark-y and pulled a bit, I refocused her and she settled down. One neighbor has a miniature schnauzer who is quite excited to see other dogs and we actually chatted for about 10 minutes. Riley did really well with Caesar the Schnauzer and at one point, she got on her belly and sort of inched towards him. I was quickly cataloging through my sleepy brain, trying to remember what Victoria said in her book about body language and cues from the dogs. At one point, she was licking her lips and I thought I recalled this was a nervous sign, so I called her over to me and treated her. She then got on her belly again and again inched towards Caesar. We let them sniff each other and she did really well - not one peep! I was a proud mama indeed!

Just so you don't think I forgot about Fin, we had a nice walk, but he didn't get a chance to see another dog, so no training opportunities for him, just a fun walk with me!

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