All I have to say is: S-U-C-C-E-S-S!
Riley and I saw
Dorito (Finlay's nemesis) on our walk last night and while she did stiffen up when she saw him, I got her to focus on me and she didn't utter a sound! I gave her a treat which was ready and waiting. She looked back at
Dorito, but kept quiet so I told her "good girl", she re-focused on me and I gave her a handful of treats. I figured she should realize that she hit the jackpot with her good behavior! I was so proud of her, I petted her and told her how good she was. I think I was beaming with pride the rest of the way home.
Finlay and I went 2
nd and if anything, I had much more confidence than usual. Confidence does surely help, but Finlay and I didn't see any other dogs. However, I used the opportunity to practice getting his attention while we walked. I would say his name then treat him when he looked at me. It is something I wanted to practice so that when we do see another dog, he'll be more likely to focus on me when I call his name than the other dog.
Day 13 - Morning Walk:
Riley and I saw
Dorito again and again, she was a champ! This time, the owner himself seemed surprised because the night before, his father was walking
Dorito and not as accustomed to my dogs and their antics. Because Riley was calm,
Dorito was also pretty calm. Again, I gave Riley a jackpot of food when she behaved well.
Now on to Mr. Fin...When we left the house this morning, we had a jogger and a chocolate lab & owner coming our way. Finlay saw them and pulled, so I crossed the street. He began barking (I'm not sure if it was at the jogger or the dog, because lately he's been doing both), so I turned and walked the other way. This time he did settle and I gave him a treat. When we turned around, after walking a few steps, he started barking again, so I turned again got him settled and gave him the treat. Because I was so focused on him, I didn't realize the lab was gone and had not passed us, but the jogger had. This is why I think he was barking at the jogger. In the meantime,
Dorito came down to our street but had crossed and started going the other way as we approached the next street. Finlay did bark, but I was able to get his focus on me and treated him.
Dorito's owner must have been thinking, "That's more like it, that's the dog I know!" ;) Eventually, I will post about Finlay seeing
Dorito and being calm. It may take a while, but it will happen!
The lab had gone up the street that we turned on. They were a good distance ahead of us and while Fin pulled a bit, I was able to focus him on me and we had a nice walk. We saw the lab again as they turned to go a different way and when Finlay saw them and did not react (granted they were walking away from us), I gave him several treats. Baby steps, baby steps!
Day 13 - Evening Walk
OK, this post is getting way too long, so here are the cliff notes...Riley did great, though barked once as another dog started barking and lunging at her - she didn't start it, yea! ;)
Finlay saw
Dorito and by now I'm sure you can all guess what that meant. Yep, I had little impact and he was barking and lunging at
Dorito...Then we saw a silky terrier. I was ready, the treats were ready, Fin had calmed down. I let the owner and his son (who had the leash) have the sidewalk and I took the grass, in fact, I walked in the mulch just to make sure there was enough space between us. I had a handful of treats that Finlay could see. He was all eyes on me...and then the darn kid let the dog have free reign on his
flexi-leash and he got within inches of Fin. You can imagine, he didn't like it. The silver lining: he didn't go crazy, turned and barked, then I was able to get his attention back. Baby steps, baby steps!