Last year, my friend requested a design for New Years cards featuring a Jack Russell terrier, so I decided to make more color choices and an additional design for those of you who, like me, got a bit busy this year! I've listed all the designs in my Etsy shop and would love for you to stop by and have a look around. Also, please feel free to let your friends know if you think they might like them as well! The site is www.etsy.com/houndandthistle
The cards are blank inside so you can write a note to your loved ones and send your good tidings and wishes for 2011. As you know, I have drawn over 100 dog breeds in silhouette (plus a few cats and a horse), so we can put your breed on the cards. If you'd rather leave off the silhouette, we can do that, too. We aim to please here at Hound and Thistle!
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and if you haven't gotten your cards out, there is still time...If you can't get your New Years cards out, don't fret, I've got some Valentine's Day designs in the works! ;)
Remember to Spay, Neuter, and Scoop the Poop! - Megan