Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Genius of Bob Barker

When I was a little girl, part of the fun of staying home from school was watching game shows. Whether I was home sick drinking ginger ale (that cured everything, you know), home on a snow day, of just off for a teacher work day, TV game shows were always on. We would watch "Press Your Luck," "Card Sharks," "Let's Make a Deal," and of course "The Price is Right." "The Price is Right" was the most fun game show out of all of them and mostly because of the interaction between Bob Barker and the contestants. Bob Barker just made connections with his contestants and his audience.

Famously at the end of each episode, Mr. Barker would always say, "Help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered."

As a kid, I just kind of thought that was funny but didn't really understand it. As an adult, I so appreciate that Bob Barker said that after every single episode, without fail. The reason I appreciate it so much is because there are way too many dogs and cats in shelters, so many right now that a lot of shelters cannot take any more animals. I receive countless emails from people who know I'm a dog-lover, telling me about dogs that have been found and need homes. It absolutely breaks my heart because it is so preventable. All you have to do is listen to Mr. Barker's words and have your pets spayed or neutered, it's that simple. Not to mention, there are shelters that offer low-cost spaying and neutering if the expense is the issue.

If you are going to add a pet to your family, that animal becomes your responsibility and you need to make smart decisions about the life of that pet. Did you know that spaying and neutering can actually lengthen the life of your pet? Studies have shown that they are less susceptible to cancers when they are spayed or neutered.

Pets are not simply here for our pleasure. If we take the big step to bring a pet into our lives, we need to make good decisions for that animal and for our communities. It's the responsible thing to do.
In Mr. Barker's words, "Help control the pet population, have your pets spayed or neutered."

Saturday, March 21, 2009

In Support of the Little Guy

It's a beautiful day in my neighborhood, so I took the dogs for one of our nice 2 mile walks. It's a perfect Spring day, the sun is out, there is a crisp, cool breeze, the birds are making nests and the bees are starting to buzz around. It's one of those days you are so happy to be alive and well! On our walk, I heard a comment that inspired this post, but first I will give you a little background.

The largest dog we had growing up was a basset hound and that was my first dog, she was awesome! After that we had Yorkies, very small dogs of course, and all wonderful dogs. If you've been reading my posts, you know that I have two border terriers, not big dogs at all, but much hardier than Yorkies. If you've never seen a border, they are similar in size to a jack (parson) russell terrier, about 15 pounds. Also, my two borders became a little fearful after two aggressive neighbor dogs who used to attack our fence. So, I'm working with Fin and Ri, trying my best "Dog Whisperer" impersonation to help them realize other dogs are something they do not need to worry about.

So, back to our walk...We approached the tennis courts where there were matches going on. At the first court we approached was a yellow lab who I've seen watching tennis matches all the time; he's always off leash as he was today. Usually the lab doesn't even notice us, this time, however, the lab growled at my dogs. It was a deep, low growl too, which was kind of weird. Again, I was trying to do my best "Dog Whisperer" so we just kept walking. Quite frankly, I was surprised that this lab was growling at my two dogs who actually seemed oblivious to him; neither of my dogs reacted to the lab! Maybe all those darn Dog Whisperer episodes I've watched are paying off! ;) After the owner corrected the lab (who I should note, stayed by his owner and didn't come towards us), he then made the comment, "those are just appetizers," followed by a chuckle. It may have been because he was with his buddies and felt like he had to comment on the size of my dogs, but it really irritated me! Maybe he was embarrassed that his big lab was initiating something with two small dogs, I guess it's not the most macho thing. ;)

I can't tell you how many times I've heard that comment or comments like that. With the Yorkies I guess I understood it a little because they are so small, but my borders are tough! They aren't prissy-looking dogs, they are scruffy, tough, relentless terriers! The truth is, they could probably give that lab a run for his money! -Not that I would ever want that, but terriers in general are as tough as nails. Borders were bread to go into fox holes for crying out loud!

Maybe I shouldn't have been so sensitive, but today it just stuck in my head. When my dogs initiate a bark-fest, it makes more sense; today, they were angels and I was so proud of them.

Anyway, we finished our lovely walk and they couldn't be happier to be outside, enjoying all the scents and critters running about. Now they are feeling sleepiness set in and are ready for their afternoon naps...Oh, to be a dog!

Sunday, March 15, 2009 is Up and Running!

Good Afternoon!

This is just a quick update to let you know that the Hound and Thistle web site just went live!!! Now, I'll warn you that there are a few things I need to tweak, so it's not perfect just yet...and I'm a perfectionist so we'll see if I can leave it be for a bit and take a break! I swear I've been looking at the computer for so long that my vision is blurry...good thing I picked up some eye drops yesterday. Anyway, have a look and I hope you like it! I do have a few files that need to be added, so if you see something missing, I most likely know about it already! ;)

Take care!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Hound and Thistle Update

I am beginning to learn how hard it is to juggle so many things! I have a full-time job, a part-time job and my new company, Hound and Thistle. Pair that with a house to run (with two dogs that shed a lot) and there just isn't enough time! Plus, I'm a girl who needs a lot of sleep so I can't cut out the sleep! ;)

I am still working on the Hound and Thistle website and I left the hardest part last...the shop. I've got the shop layout ready but now need to connect it to PayPal. I've done this before but with only one product so it's going to be a little more time-consuming this time around! The greatest part though is that I love it. Working on H&T is so fun and fulfilling that it doesn't really feel like work. I just want to offer great products that people will love and of course, I want everything, including the website, to look awesome!

OK, I'm off to work on the site...Wish me luck!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Be Thankful

This is going to be a short one, but an important one...Things are tough right now for so many people and right now the biggest thing we hear about is the economy, however, I don't think it's all that important to worry about in the grand scheme of things. What?!!? You might think I've gone off my rocker, but I trust you, I haven't. I've been dealing with the economic thing a bit longer than most due to my full-time job and that of my husband and over the last year and 1/2, we've really realized how much we have and what to be thankful for. Don't get me wrong, the money thing is tough, but it's not everything. I know a couple of really special people who are going through medical issues and they amaze me every single day. They are so strong and positive and I just can't imagine how they do it, but they do and they inspire me more than they know. Now, I have my opinions on the economy and what our government is doing to "fix" it, but that's not important. What is important is to remember you have so many other things to be thankful for...your health, your family, your pets, your home, the fact that you can wake up each day, walk outside, breathe fresh air, and go about your day. So if you're feeling stressed about the economy, and I know so many of you are, remember all the little things that you take for granted each day. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, work hard, pray a little (if you pray), and know that this too shall pass. :)